Sunday, December 13, 2009

How We Dress is a Reflection of Who We Are

It is my custom to only place original content in this Blog. However on occasion, I run across sentiments on other sites that I feel are worth sharing. Such is the case of message from MW Barry Rickman, Grand Master of Masons in South Carolina. That message is printed on The Palmetto Mason Blog. MW Rickman addresses the manner in which Masons should dress to represent the best qualities of our institution. It struck a cord with me and I encourage all to follow the link above and read the Grand Master's message.


  1. I agree 100% with the Grand Master. I have had a few thoughts myself about the standards of dress in the Masonic lodge. In all the lodges I have had the honor to belong to Tuxedo was the standard dress followed closely by a dark suit. As Master I have always encuraged coat and tie for most occsssions and the Tuxedo or dark suit for stated meetings and degree work. If I can be forgiven for saying so I have always considered the Grand Lodge uniform concept to be a step down in the dignity of the Grand Lodge. The blazer IS functional and easy to maintain on the road. The classic tuxedo is the ticket. I am still wondering who talked some Grand Lodges into wearing Morning Dress in the evening. It is not only important to be well dressed but timely also. Hair cuts and shined shoes always help.

  2. Dressing for Lodge and other Masonic events should be to show respect for the Fraternity. I don't think wearing a dark suit to lodge and tuxes for officers is too much to ask. However, tuxes are for evening wear only.
