Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cub Scout Pack 354

This evening, I attended the Leaders Meeting for Cub Scout Pack 354 in Palmer, Alaska. Pack 354 is chartered by Matanuska Lodge No. 7 in Palmer, and I am their Charter Organization Representative. Skip Krysak (Cub Master) and his wife Christie have led this very successful Cub Pack for nearly 20 years. The meeting took place at Skip’s home and featured a wonderful Seafood Boil dinner. The Pack participated in the Popcorn Sales again this year and sold $30,000 in popcorn. From this, they netted $10,000 for the Pack, which will be used to support their activities this coming year. Another one third of the proceeds of this sale goes to the Great Alaska Council of the Boy Scouts of America to help fund their ongoing programs.

Pack 354 currently has 89 Scouts in 11 Cub Dens. They keep the boys very active in the community by providing support to various charitable organizations like Special Olympics, the American Cancer Society, and Wounded Veterans Program. On Saturday, December 19, the Cubs and their families will be caroling at the Palmer Veterans Home (Pioneer Home) at 6:00 PM. In addition to their regularly planned activities, the Pack will be sponsoring an “Adult Pinewood Derby”. This event gives Scout parents and other adults the opportunity to build and compete with their own Pinewood Derby cars and provides them an opportunity to contribute to the Wounded Veterans Program. The entry fee is $25, for which the participant get their own Pinewood Derby kit. The adults will compete on May 6, 2010 at the Palmer Elks Club on Finger Lake. For more information about Pack 354 please contact Skip at

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