On Sunday, January 17, 2010 I attended the installation of officers for Anchorage Chapter No. 8, Order of the Eastern Star. Sister Iris Crothers, P.M. was installed as Worthy Matron and Brother Steve Lee, P.P. was install as Worthy Patron for 2010. Sister Beverly Keto, P.M. and Brother Clarence Keto, P.P. were installed as Associate Matron and Associate Patron respectively. The installing officers included:
- Sister Alice Chaney, P.M. - Installing Matron
- Brother Van Chaney, P.P. - Installing Patron
- Brother Damon Shine, WP, PHA - Installing Chaplain
- Sister Michelle Williams, AM, PHA - Installing Secretary
- Sister Victoria Ault, P.M. - Installing Marshal
- Sister Pat Dart - Installing Musician
Each year the newly elected Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron choose at least one philanthropic endeavor for their year, besides our Masonic Youth. The selection for this year is "Cares for Kids". these kids are some of the most highly neglected and abused children in Anchorage.
The Worthy Advisor's theme for her term is "Dancing Through Life", and she chose as her bible verse Psalm 30 verse 11, which reads:
"You turned my waiting into dancing, you removed my sack cloth and clothed me with joy."
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